Appointment as Radiation Protection Advisor under the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17)Provision of advice to organisations using sources of ionising radiation in the workplace to ensure safe-use and ongoing regulatory compliance.
Environment Permit applications for the use and holding of radioactive material within England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.
Services to ensure compliance with IRR17 - including the new requirement for Registration and Consent that came into force in October 2023.
Assistance and advice to ensure compliance with Regulation 8 of IRR17
Assistance in completing prior radiation risk assessments and periodical review.
Our main input into RRA is assessing the whole body, skin, extremity and eye lense doses. Data from these dose assessments is essential to IRR17 consent applications and in determining appropriate area designation.
Our courses run for short end-user training and refresher courses up to full training for Radiation Protection Supervisors.
We also run practical contingency plan training/ rehersal training courses (Reg. 13 IRR17) these can be as part of RPS / end user courses or stand alone practical sessions.
Service performed on-site.
Testing method compliant with NPL Guidance "The Examination Testing & Calibration of Portable Radiation Protection Instruments Measurement Good Practiceā€¯ (GuideNo. 30)
Arrangements can be made to have dose rate monitoiring equipment tested and calibrated at an appropriate third party site - dependent on the type of monitoring equipment.
Expertise to carry out decommissioning services for buildings or laboratories seeking revocation of Environmental Permits.
Leak testing of sealed source must be carried out on a biennial basis (Reg. 28(3), IRR17). We have expertise for taking as well as for the analysis of these leak test swabs.
Qualfied to help organisations manage their lasers and laser systems under the Control of Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010